Center for Education Innovation, Evaluation, and Research
Empowering Education, Transforming Futures:
Innovate, Evaluate, Demonstrate with Data-Driven Solutions and Collaborative Partnerships
The Center leverages data-driven insights to assist school districts in developing programs, allocating resources, and implementing best practices. Grounded in research, our work emphasizes collaborative partnerships to build the capacity of educators, schools, and school districts to implement best practices to optimize student outcomes.
Our motto “Innovating Practice, Evaluating Impact, Demonstrating Success” highlights our services of quantitative and qualitative data analysis, program and project evaluation, teacher recruitment and retention, educator-driven equitable systemic change, and grant writing.
What We Offer
Data Analysis
Interactive online dashboards highlighting progress toward LPGTs
Development, facilitation, and analysis of:
Focus groups
Empathy interviews
Strategic Planning
Written reports and presentations to stakeholders
Program Evaluation
Needs assessment
Data collection
Stakeholder involvement
Continuous improvement
Progress monitoring
Capacity building
Community Engagement
Alignment with Integrated Guidance
Development, facilitation, and analysis of:
Focus groups
Empathy interviews
Analyzing and reporting results
Written reports and presentations to stakeholders
Data Coaching
Assist in implementation of school/district level data teams
Provide guidelines on conducting data team meetings
Provide assistance in:
Identifying areas of challenge
Implementing change
Measuring progress
Evaluating effectiveness of change
Collaboration with ODS
Grant Writing
Identify funding opportunities
Co-development of grant proposal and budgeting
Co-development of measurable metrics
Alignment with district goals
Measurable outcomes
Submittal assistance
Assistance with establishing project/program once funding awarded
Teacher Recruitment
Collaborate with WESD school districts to address educator workforce needs
Connect with aspiring candidates to provide individualized guidance and support
Partner with district HR offices
Provide bilingual supports
Teacher Retention
Mentor Forum
Novice Educator Community of Practice
Experienced Educator Community of Practice
Mentoring for novice educators
Strategies for retention of BIPOC educators
Equitable Systemic Change
Professional learning opportunities
District Design Teams to research and address problems of practice centered on equity
High-quality, educator-driven, culturally responsive systems of support