Oregon Migrant Education Service Center
Our Vision
Effective, Innovative & Equitable Services
Mission Statement
Through collaboration, provide leadership, professional development, and consultation to ensure program compliance and academic success of migrant children.
The Oregon Migrant Education Service Center (OMESC), in collaboration with Oregon Department of Education's Title I Part C Migrant Education Program, provides professional development, technical support, and program planning consistent with the needs of the regional programs serving eligible migrant students. These needs include, but are not limited to, Identification & Recruitment, Records Exchange, Family Involvement, Bi-national Programs, & Educational Best Practices. Our vision is to provide effective, innovative, and equitable services.
Elegibilidad del Programa de Educación Migrante
Acceso a este video en los siguientes lenguajes:
Purepecha: https://vimeo.com/776397273/c4b6965afb
Zapoteco: https://vimeo.com/776397296/d170d1a6e7
Maya K’iche’: https://vimeo.com/779343681/7a78a601f2