ORSkills Resources
Are worksamples available in multiple languages?
Are worksamples in ORSkills ODE approved?
Does my district need an memorandum of understanding with an ESD to use ORSkills?
How are worksamples scored in ORSkills?
How can I become an ORSkills scorer?
How can I get access to ORSkills?
How much does it cost to use ORSkills?
If my school uses ORSkills, can we score our own worksamples?
Who do I contact about a problem with ORSkills?
Why do we need to enter scores and student worksamples into ORSkills?
ORSkills Terminology
APPROVED STUDENT: Student whose information has been verified by Willamette ESD after being entered through the student registration page, or information verified and entered by a teacher or testing coordinator (applies only to dual credit / Willamette Promise)
CHECK-OUT: (prompt): An approved teacher or testing coordinator "checks-out" a prompt by selecting the prompt from the list of available prompts, choosing the scoring method, and selecting the student(s) to whom the prompt will be assigned
CHECK-IN: (worksample): An approved teacher or testing coordinator "checks-in" a prompt by uploading original student work, choosing the file, and clicking "check-in" to allow for scoring of the worksample
COURSE: Specific category identifying academic content area, course number and whether the course is specific to Essential Skills or Dual Credit (Example: Dual Credit Chemistry 102, Reading: Informative essential skills)
DIRECTORY INFORMATION: Personally identifiable information of a routine nature that is not considered an education record under the law.(student’s name; student’s address; student’s telephone listing; student’s electronic address; student’s photograph; date and place of birth; major field of study; dates of attendance; degrees and awards received; most recent previous school or program attended.)
DISTRICT: A K-12 district, Education Service District or Higher Education Partner authorized to access the ORSkills site
DUAL CREDIT: High school course that offer both high school & college credit when a student demonstrate proficiency
ELEMENT: Scoring criteria assigned a number value and a minimum passing performance standard
ESSENTIAL SKILLS: Cross-disciplinary skills necessary for success in college and career; what students should be able to do by the time they graduate; part of the Oregon Diploma
OUTSIDE SCORING: Worksamples scored by trained scorers from outside the home district
PROMPT: An assessment that has not been checked out for delivery to a student
SCHOOL: A public or private secondary school that is authorized to access ORSkills
SCORE: Scorer or teacher assigns number values for each scoring element and submits the scores
SCORER: A TSPC licensed educator (or college instructor) specifically trained to score student dual credit and/or essential skills worksamples
SELF-SCORING: Worksamples scored without assistance from outside the school district
SUBJECTS: General category identifying academic content area whether that subject area is specific to dual credit or essential skills. (Example: Dual Credit Math, Reading: Essential Skills)
TEACHER: A TSPC licensed educator (or college instructor) specifically trained to teach and assess dual credit and/or essential skills content (may or may not be authorized to access ORSkills)
UNAPPROVED STUDENT: A student whose information was entered through the student registration page and has not been verified by WESD
USER (ORSkills): Any administrator, local administrator, teacher or scorer approved to access the Essential Skills or Willamette Promise assessment (ORSkills) site
WILLAMETTE PROMISE: A proficiency-based, dual credit program housed at Willamette ESD, and established through a grant from the Oregon Education Investment Board in 2014
Comprehensive ORSkills User Guide
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Essential Skills & Local Performance Assessment Manual
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.