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ORSkills Resources

ORSkills Terminology

APPROVED STUDENT: Student whose information has been verified by Willamette ESD after being entered through the student registration page, or information verified and entered by a teacher or testing coordinator (applies only to dual credit / Willamette Promise)

CHECK-OUT: (prompt): An approved teacher or testing coordinator "checks-out" a prompt by selecting the prompt from the list of available prompts, choosing the scoring method, and selecting the student(s) to whom the prompt will be assigned

CHECK-IN: (worksample): An approved teacher or testing coordinator "checks-in" a prompt by uploading original student work, choosing the file, and clicking "check-in" to allow for scoring of the worksample

COURSE: Specific category identifying academic content area, course number and whether the course is specific to Essential Skills or Dual Credit (Example: Dual Credit Chemistry 102, Reading: Informative essential skills)  

DIRECTORY INFORMATION: Personally identifiable information of a routine nature that is not considered an education record under the law.(student’s name; student’s address; student’s telephone listing; student’s electronic address; student’s photograph; date and place of birth; major field of study; dates of attendance; degrees and awards received; most recent previous school or program attended.)

DISTRICT: A K-12 district, Education Service District or Higher Education Partner authorized to access the ORSkills site

DUAL CREDIT: High school course that offer both high school & college credit when a student demonstrate proficiency

ELEMENT: Scoring criteria assigned a number value and a minimum passing performance standard

ESSENTIAL SKILLS: Cross-disciplinary skills necessary for success in college and career; what students should be able to do by the time they graduate; part of the Oregon Diploma

OUTSIDE SCORING: Worksamples scored by trained scorers from outside the home district

PROMPT: An assessment that has not been checked out for delivery to a student

SCHOOL: A public or private secondary school that is authorized to access ORSkills

SCORE: Scorer or teacher assigns number values for each scoring element and submits the scores

SCORER: A TSPC licensed educator (or college instructor) specifically trained to score student dual credit and/or essential skills worksamples

SELF-SCORING: Worksamples scored without assistance from outside the school district

SUBJECTS: General category identifying academic content area whether that subject area is specific to dual credit or essential skills. (Example: Dual Credit Math, Reading: Essential Skills)

TEACHER: A TSPC licensed educator (or college instructor) specifically trained to teach and assess dual credit and/or essential skills content (may or may not be authorized to access ORSkills)

UNAPPROVED STUDENT: A student whose information was entered through the student registration page and has not been verified by WESD

USER (ORSkills): Any administrator, local administrator, teacher or scorer approved to access the Essential Skills or Willamette Promise assessment (ORSkills) site 

WILLAMETTE PROMISE: A proficiency-based, dual credit program housed at Willamette ESD, and established through a grant from the Oregon Education Investment Board in 2014


Comprehensive ORSkills User Guide

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.


Essential Skills & Local Performance Assessment Manual

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

Program Contact Information

1 2 3 62 > showing 1 - 10 of 613 constituents
Giselle Abarca

Giselle Abarca

Departments: Early Learning
Phone Numbers:
Work: 503.385.4502

Jessica Abbott

Departments: Special Education
Phone Numbers:
Work: 503.385.4820

Kloe Abbott

Ela Achen

Ela Achen

Departments: Center for Education Innovation, Evaluation and Research (CEIER)
Phone Numbers:
Work: 503.385.4865

Amy Adair

Departments: Special Education
Phone Numbers:
Work: 503.385.4577
Erick Aguirre-Penaloza

Erick Aguirre-Penaloza

Departments: School Improvement Services
Phone Numbers:
Work: 503.385.4748
Candice Alaniz

Candice Alaniz

Departments: School Improvement Services
Phone Numbers:
Work: 503.385.4779
Evan Alder

Evan Alder

Departments: Early Learning
Phone Numbers:
Work: 503.385.4539