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Youth Transition Program

The Youth Transition Program (YTP) assists high school students that experience disability(s) in preparing for post-secondary education, employment, and independence when they leave high school.

  • The main focus of your Transition Specialists will be the delivery of Pre-Employment Transition Services or Pre-ETS. There are five areas within Pre-ETS:
    • Job Exploration
    • Work Readiness
    • Work-based Learning
    • Self-Advocacy
    • Counseling on Post-Secondary Options

YTP collaborates with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, community business partners, local agencies, schools, teachers, and staff. The collaborative effort between all agencies involved in providing these services, along with the support and participation from each student and their support network, ensures the best possibility of a successful outcome in the transition from school to work or vocational training.

Our plan is to engage students through this program and help them develop skills and independence that will prepare them for success after high school.

Our recommendations are based on matching students with jobs according to their preferences, interests, needs, and strengths.

Our goal is to assist each student on their journey to achieve, maintain, and advance in employment and independence.

Services May Include:

  • Career Exploration, Interest Surveys & Skill Building
  • Career Portfolio - Resume, Cover Letter, References
  • Addressing Barriers - Driver's License, Public Transportation, Resource Referrals
  • Job Shadows & Informal Interviews with Employers
  • Work or Volunteer Experiences
  • Assistance with Agency Referrals
  • Help enrolling in a College or Training Program


For more information, contact:

Kevin Carroll
Program Coordinator
Phone: 503.385.4558