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Technology Services

Supporting our customers' success with timely and accurate solutions.

The Technology Services Department provides a range of services and support that span from the provision of basic network infrastructure through to instructional strategies for technology-rich classrooms. All our technology services are tethered back to the core mission of improving teaching and learning through the appropriate use of technology. In support of that mission, we offer direct consultation, workshops, classes, and in-services to assist with the development of instructional skills and the implementation of state standards.

The Technology Services Department not only supports our constituent school districts of Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties; we also partner with K-12 and Higher Ed agencies on projects that benefit students, families, and staff across Oregon. 

Dog using laptop

IT Help Desk


7:30am - 5:00pm
Local: 503.385.4849
Toll-Free: 1.888.560.4029

SIS Help Desk


6:30am - 4:00pm


Emily Paoli
Administrative Assistant
Technology Department Fax Line
Regional Technology Coordinators Event, Every Third Thursday