Oregon Textbook & Media Center
Oregon Textbook & Media Center (OTMC)
OTMC is a state and federally funded center serving all Regional Programs, the Oregon School for the Deaf, and the Oregon Commission for the Blind. Students served must be eligible as a student with a vision impairment as identified in the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 581-015-2180). OTMC provides textbooks and supplementary materials in accessible formats for state adopted curriculum, (braille, large print or audio formats). Supplementary materials may include, Braillers, recorders, paper, rulers, abacus, and computer software. For younger students, equipment include toys and manipulatives to support concept development and pre-reading skills.
Books and Materials
Books and materials available from OTMC are obtained one of three ways:
- Federal Quota Funds—Books and materials may be purchased by OTMC through the American Printing house of the Blind.
- OTMC will contact and search other agencies that may have the books already produced. When identified, OTMC will purchase the books available in the format requested.
- If the material/book is unavailable already transcribed, OTMC will transcribe the book into Braille or reproduce into large print.
Packing Slip for Damaged Equipment
Packing Slip for Undamaged Equipment
Packing Slip for Requested Hardcopy Books
Packing Slip for Returned Textbooks
Teacher Login
Teachers, please note: If you have forgotten your password, please contact one of our staff above by phone or e-mail.
- National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS)
- Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired (TSBVI): Braille Instruction Resources
- The Hadley School for Professional Studies: Introduction to Braille
Important Links
- American Printing House for the Blind
- National Library Service
- National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS)
- Oregon Commission for the Blind
- Oregon Unified English Braille
- Oregon Statewide Assessments - Braille and other Accommodations
- Regional Program Services for Vision Impaired
- Talking Book and Braille Services
Hours of Operation
OTMC is open and staff available Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 3:30pm.
Contact Information
Fax line: 503.385.4716
Primary Contact: J. Beresheim, OTMC Vision Specialist