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Teacher Talent Liaisons

Do you have a passion for guiding future teachers?

Who are Teacher Talent Liaisons?

As an outreach of the WESD GYO program, Teacher Talent Liaisons (TTL) are K-12 teachers and district employees who serve as a point of contact and support for future teachers.


What do Teacher Talent Liaisons do?

In partnership with the Teacher Pathway Navigator, TTLs engage with high school students, instructional assistants, and other TTLs to share information and resources about becoming a licensed teacher in Oregon.  

  • Working with high school students in a club or class focused on teaching: TTLs may support their enrollment in education focused dual credit classes, serve as a mentor, and/or profile teacher education programs. 
  • Working with instructional assistants across schools: TTLs may share information about financial resources and scholarships, connect them to teacher education programs, and support their pathway to licensure.
  • Working with TTLs from other WESD school districts: TTLs expand their knowledge of teaching, deconstruct barriers for historically marginalized individuals joining the teacher workforce, and advocate for their local community.

How are Teacher Talent Liaisons compensated for their efforts?

TTLs serve as temporary employees of the WESD and are compensated financially for the time and effort that they dedicate to the success of future teachers.  Details of this compensation are integrated into the application process noted below.


Are you interested in becoming a Teacher Talent Liaison?

Recruitment of TTL’s for the 2024-2025 school year is currently underway. 

2024-25 TTL Application

*All applications need to be submitted by September 16, 2024Notification of selection as a TTL will occur no later than October 1, 2024.

To learn more, contact Hilda Rosselli at or 503-551-1739 or schedule a time to meet with the Teacher Pathway Navigator.